Creating a Positive, Progressive Culture The leader influences the creation of culture of his organization, knowingly or unknowingly. Whatever the [...]
It is the leader’s responsibility to ensure that all the business goals (e.g. sales, market share, profit etc.) which are [...]
Review Regularly Keeping the organizational machinery well-oiled and active is one important responsibility of a business leader. To do this, [...]
Prioritization, Doing the Right Things A business has limited resources, especially of people, money and time. In order to ensure [...]
Consulting is an exchange of ideas. Every business does not hire consultants. Some do. Those who do, believe in the value of [...]
Good consultants can make a lot of positive difference to an organization. But finding a right consultant or coach requires [...]
4. Understanding Our Business The consultants must have an ability, patience and intelligence to understand our business in detail. Of [...]
8. Flexibility Consultants generally work with different companies. They should be able to adapt to different work cultures and personality [...]
Name Throwing It is common in consulting business to find people flaunting big names to impress prospects. E.g. Statements such as [...]
Business Partnerships Generally, business partnerships don’t last longer. I understand, it may sound counterintuitive in today’s time, when start-ups launched [...]
5. Take it Easy Partnerships must be fun. Partners must be friendly and cordial to each other. They should not take [...]
10. Acknowledgment of Good Work Don’t ever take each other for granted. If one partner does something good or valuable [...]
14. Budget Money is a tricky thing. It may create misunderstandings, sometimes. Particularly when it is in short supply or [...]
When more than one family members get involved in running a business, management of the family owned business poses more [...]
A family business managed by more than one family members faces challenges due to some of the following causes: 1) [...]
Each family is different in terms of its size, complexity, priorities and internal dynamics. So is every business. Because of [...]
What mission and values are and how we can formulate the same is explained in the chapter on “Business Leadership”. [...]
A family constitution is a document which lays down all the guidelines which the family should follow while conducting the [...]