An Easy-to-recall Name
• The name should not be very long.
• Ideally, it should not have any uncommon variations of regular spellings. (e.g. instead, it should be or
• It should not be confusing. (e.g. Try giving this name to somebody on phone, you will realize the difficulty.)
Practical, User-friendly Design with Simple Navigation
The golden rule is: keep it simple. A great site is simple to use and is easy to understand. Don’t use a very high level, over the top artsy design with hidden navigation or a site which takes time to load or does not run unless some specific software, plug-in or add-on is installed..
Fast Loading
Always remember: The average user spends less than two minutes on your website. They should get to what they are looking for, fast.
Design for Suitability of Searching by Search Engines
Our site must be ‘visible’ to the search engines. Use proper tools and methods to ensure this visibility such that our site is seen and shown by the search engines faster. Take the help of the experts in the field, if required.
Compatible to Run Properly on Various Browsers and Various Devices
Increasingly, Internet is being accessed more and more by mobile devices these days apart from PCs, Laptops and Tablets and this trend is going to grow. So, we must ensure that our web site is designed in such a way that it provides pleasant experience to all users regardless of which device, screen size or browser they are using. It should have a responsive design.
No Broken Links
All links on various pages of the web site must be healthy and working. Ensure that there are no links having no page to show, giving an error to the visitor.
Consistent Look-and-feel
The visual look and feel of the entire web site must match the overall color scheme of the company e.g. name style, logo, fonts etc. Also, the various internal parts of the web site must also follow the same theme to ensure continuity and seamlessness.
(Expert advice to GROW your business wherever you are, whenever you want.…

Web Site Content Considerations

Web Site For Business