Technology plays a very vital role in any business today. Any forward looking business must be alert and agile in adopting technology in its business. In order to exploit the maximum advantage of technology, it is advisable that the company has access to some dedicated resources to help it in using technology in the best possible way. Here are some issues which need attention in this respect. Each topic needs careful and focused attention from some technical experts for its right implementation.
Email Addresses
• As far as possible, use the company’s own email IDs for company’s business work and don’t use the freely provided email IDs (like Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail etc.).
• Don’t allow employees to use their personal email IDs for business communication.
• Follow some method in giving names to the email IDs. If the number of employees in the company is less, employee’s name is a reasonable email naming method. (e.g. If the number of employees is big, name+surname is a better naming method. (e.g. with some separator in between.
• When a new person joins, get his/her email ID created immediately.
• When a person leaves the company, change the password of their email and redirect that email to some existing employees’ ID immediately. Don’t delete the outgoing employee’s email ID soon, as you may lose some communication coming from outside agencies, which may not be aware of the exit of the employee.
• Educate the employees about the basic email etiquettes.
• Make sure that email should be used for business related communication only. Prohibit or discourage forwarding time-pass or junk mails.
• When an email is marked to more than one person, it is a common etiquette to “Reply All” and not to reply only to the sender, unless it is required or intended that way.
• While sending emails, employees must be educated about who should be marketed in CC and BCC and under which circumstances.
• Emails with large attachments should be sent with care as they may hog a lot of space at each receiver’s inbox, eventually clogging the storage space of the company’s email infrastructure.
• Make sure that all employees use a sensible email signature (preferably with the contact details e.g. phone numbers and address etc.) and keep it updated and relevant.
• Ensure proper and meaningful “Name of Sender” as seen by the receiver when we send an email.
• Arrange to take regular backup of email data of all employees.
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