For bigger sales transactions like projects, machinery, service contracts, enterprise software etc. the salespersons may have to give presentations to the prospective customers. Here are some guidelines for the same.
a) Be Clear about the Company’s Overall Marketing Strategy
- What is its target customer segment?
- What is its differentiation?
- What positioning the company aims at?
b) Be Clear about the Purpose of the Presentation
- What are the needs of the customer?
- What do we want to communicate?
- What impression the client should get about our company?
- How can we establish the fit between their needs and our solution?
c) Research about the Client
Find out about
- Company (Their products, people, internal dynamics)
- Industry
- Competition scenario
- Their current setup with respect to what we are trying to sell
- Who is going to attend the presentation?
- Who will be taking the final decision about purchase?
d) The Presentation Should Answer the Following 3 Questions to the Customer:
i) Who Are We? (Our strengths)
- Our Products (Or services)
- Place (Where our products/services are available)
- Price (What is our value proposition)
- People (Our team)
- Process (Our approach to provide the service)
- Proof of delivery (Our clients and body of work that we have already completed)
ii) Why Choose Us?
- How are we different?
- What is special about us?
iii) What Is in It for You (The Client)?
- How are we relevant to you?
- Where is the fit?
- How can we add value?
e) Final Word
- Don’t focus on selling products or services of the company for only one time. Focus on the long term relationship potential.
- Don’t only focus on features or benefits, but also focus on the value addition that we bring to the solution.
- Be well prepared. Be confident. Communicate well, with enthusiasm.
- Be on time. Be well dressed.
- Don’t try to hard sell.
- Do a sincere job.
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Standard Sales Process