At every point in our business where a customer interacts with it, we impact her experience with our business. We must examine each such customer touch point and make it as satisfactory, pleasant and desirable for the customer as possible.
We must be watchful about the situations when our customers’ emotions are adversely impacted. We must find out whether they are made to feel angry, helpless, stupid or dumb; whether their interaction with our business leads to some negative feelings. These are the symptoms which indicate that we are not making our customers’ experience with our business a positive one.
If we take care of the customers’ feelings being generated by our business during their experience with our business, if we make them feel good, confident, satisfied, certain and safe, they will have a positive experience with us. They would like to repeat such positive experiences again and again, helping us to sustain our business growth over time.
We must focus on one simple guiding principle that doing business with us should be made as easy as possible for our customers. This can be easily understood by looking at and interacting with our business from a customer’s perspective. We should periodically interact with the business as a customer generally would. We can send a “mystery” shopper or customer to our business, which acts like a normal customer and tries to experience what a customer goes through while she deals with us. This will help us to understand the needs of the customers and the problems they face while working with us. We must do this to make our business customer friendly and customer centric.
Here are some issues which must be taken care of (wherever they apply to our business) to make sure that the customer’s experience of dealing with us is always positive and pleasant.
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Our People Affect Customers’ Experiences