There are various internal or external sources from where potential candidates for any employment position can be found.
Internal Sources
1) Inter-department Transfers
For job-rotation or individual preferences basis, employees can be redeployed into newer roles based on their skills, experience and preferences.
2) Employee Reference
We can ask our existing employees if they know somebody who can fit the profile of the person we are looking for. Many companies use such “employee referral” scheme and also award some remuneration to the employees who provide a reference which finally gets selected in the company.
3) Promotions
Instead of finding an outsider for some senior position, somebody from within the company who is suitable for the position is elevated to the bigger responsibility.
4) Demotions
As a part of an organizational restructuring or to avoid retrenchments, some candidates are offered lower roles with lesser remuneration and privileges. It works on mutually agreeable terms. Sometimes, such practices help in correcting hiring mistakes and benefit both the parties eventually.
5) Retired Employees
Some retired employees who are still ready, able and willing to work can be tapped for positions they can fill.
6) Old Employees
Those who have worked with us earlier, and left us because of any reason, can be called again if we found them good.
7) Resume Bank
We may have interviewed or evaluated some candidates earlier and due to some reasons did not finalize with them even though they were suitable. Our HR department must maintain the resumes of all those candidates whom we evaluate and who are found to be promising, for such a future reference.
External Sources
1) Advertisements
Advertisements in publications like newspapers and magazines can be used for a response from a wider group. It is suitable when either you have very urgent requirement or you are looking for a bigger number of candidates to choose from.
2) Job Sites
There are many web sites which provide databases of almost all categories of manpower. Access to such databases is available through some paid subscription scheme.
3) Industry Portals
There are some industry-specific portals which specialize in screening and listing manpower required for that particular industry. If such a portal exists for our industry, it should be checked for potential candidates.
4) Placement Consultants
These agencies shortlist candidates on our behalf and then send us those who are found to be matching our requirements. This process saves the time of filtering or shortlisting candidates from a larger lot. These consultants generally charge some percentage of the annual salary package of the employee as their fees. They also offer some replacement assurance, which means that if an employee selected through them leaves within a specified period (which is few months); they provide a free replacement for a new candidate.
5) Headhunters
These are a different type of placement consultants, who find and pick up suitable candidates from competitors or other similar organizations. They seek the candidates (who may not be looking for changing their job), evaluate them and if all goes well, offer them a new position on our behalf.
6) Social Media
These days, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and other Social Media platforms are good alternative recruiting sources. They give a lot of information about the potential candidates, their career paths, achievements, references etc. The time-line of a person on any social media platform provides a wealth of information about him.
7) Campus Placements
Many educational institutes invite companies to come to their campus and seek fresher candidates for recruitment. This is one efficient method of evaluating a big number of candidates quickly. It is cost-effective and it also helps building a good employer brand among the potential candidates.
8) Employment Exchanges
Some government or semi-government organizations work as a mediator between the candidates and the employers. These employment exchanges maintain databases of candidates and supply the information from them to the companies looking for manpower.
9) Labor Contractors
Many skilled or unskilled workers can be sourced from labor contractors who specialize in that type of manpower.
10) Walk-in Recruitment
Many factories and offices put a sign on their gate inviting candidates to walk-in for some job vacancies. Such practices are useful for unskilled workers who can be deployed quickly into some waiting task.
11) Job Fairs
Some job portals or some other organizations arrange job fairs to facilitate employee-employer interaction. This gives the company exposure to a diverse set of candidates and can be used for attracting applications.
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