Establishing Regular Routines and Rhythm of the Company
As a company, we must ensure that we do the regular things whenever they are required to be done (daily, weekly, monthly or quarterly etc.) All the operations of the company must be predictable and must follow a set routine.
For every department, identify the routine activities which need to be done daily, weekly, monthly etc. and establish a daily, weekly, monthly calendar as per the need. Develop such a calendar for yourself also and follow it strictly. Periodically, review and confirm with the department heads to ensure that the routine is being followed in their departments as decided.
A company must have its rhythm of working, which must be established consciously. The company should work in a predictable rhythm like clockwork. Everybody in the company must be tuned to this habit and they must do their work such that the rhythm is maintained.
It is the leader’s responsibility to establish routines and rhythm of the company.
Establishing Systems and Processes
The objective of any business is to satisfy the customers’ needs. For successful retention of a customer for a long time, the business must satisfy the customer needs consistently by providing consistent quality of the product or service, every time. For this, all the operations in a business must work in perfect synchronization with each other. This becomes possible when each department behaves in a predictable manner.
Systems and processes are the essential building blocks of your company which make this possible.
The business leader must ensure that right systems and processes are established in the company and all the people and operations in the company follow the rules of these systems and processes. See the chapter “Systems and Processes” for more information.
Developing Customer Focus
A business exists for its customers. It exists because of its customers. You must accept this reality and you must drive this into the minds of all your employees. All the activities of the company must be focused on the customer and solving her problems. Find out all the touch points which interact with your customer and ensure that they make her experience pleasant. Make it easier for the customer to work with your company. You must make conscious efforts to make your company a customer-centric organization.
Building Competencies, Learning New Things
The world is changing very fast. To keep ourselves relevant, it is necessary to learn new things regularly. You should learn new things yourself. Keep yourself updated about the business, markets, technology and other relevant matters. Similarly, also arrange to train all your employees regularly into different skills and competencies. Trained manpower contributes hugely in improving quality, productivity, efficiency and customer satisfaction. Develop a culture of learning in the organization by setting a right example of yourself. Commit resources of time and money to facilitate learning by your employees. Check the section on Training & Development in the chapter Human Resources for more details.
(Expert advice to GROW your business wherever you are, whenever you want.…
Developing The Organization Part-3
Developing the Organization Part-1