Initially, a brand is a unique name, logo, design, symbol, words, slogan or a combination of all these, used to create an image in the customer’s mind that identifies the product or service and differentiates it from its competitors. As time passes, the image becomes associated with a level of quality, satisfaction and credibility in the customer’s mind.
Branding is a process of creating and communicating a brand identity.
Every brand has an association in the minds of the customers. That association may be positive or negative. It is an emotional association. The customer loves some brands, hates some and is neutral, undecided or indifferent towards some other brands. For any product or service, as soon as a brand’s name comes in front of the customer, an emotional reaction also gets created. This emotional reaction is the result of the relationship the brand has with the customer.
In some ways, a brand is just like a person. When a person is born, he gets a body, a name, a shape, a size and a color. At that time, he is only a bundle of promises and hopes. As time passes, whether those hopes or promises are fulfilled or not decides his image in the outside world.
Similarly, when a brand is introduced to the market, it generates some hopes and promises in the minds of the customers. If it fulfills those promises made to the customers consistently, it becomes fixed in their minds. On the other hand, if it fails to live up to the hype that it created, it gets lost into oblivion.
A brand does not exist only on our product’s packaging or on our web site or on our signboards. It exists in our customers’ minds.
A brand is a promise; either fulfilled or unfulfilled.
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Why Is Branding Important?