No great business can be built without people. Nobody can do everything alone. Any company needs a great team if it wants to grow big. A great team is a critical component in building a great business. As a business leader, it must be our priority to find and retain the right people and get them work together.
Building Powerful Teams
A company can produce great performance only if all its employees work together. Our business success is directly proportional to our success in building a team of excellent employees. In order to enable team building in our company, we must bring people together, facilitate interaction and encourage working together.
Selecting the Right People, Promoting Merit
A right team can be formed only by the right people. While recruiting new people, you must ensure that you select the people with the right credentials and attitude to get entry into your team. Choose only those people who can align with your mission, values and vision. See the guidelines for recruiting new employees in the chapter on Human Resources.
Also, institute a very transparent and objective performance management system in your company such that only meritorious employees get promoted. Don’t allow any partiality in employee selection or promotion process. It will discourage your other affected employees profoundly.
Going Beyond “I”
Even though it may be our own company, we must not bring our ego to our business. If we do, we may not be able to work with many people. Everybody needs recognition, appreciation and encouragement for their contribution into anything. If we are self-absorbed, we may not realize or recognize the significance of others. Every small employee in our business can help it grow. As a leader, we must appreciate every good work done by any employee. When the business achieves something, we must give its credit to everybody in the business for that achievement. Our business succeeds or fails because of our team. Remember, we are also a part of our business team and there is no ‘I’ in a TEAM…!
(Expert advice to GROW your business wherever you are, whenever you want.…

Building And Motivating The Team Part-2

To Provide A Direction To The Business Part-3